Von der Leyen Commission 2024-2029

President EU Ursula von der Leyen, who has led the Commission EU since 2019, started a second mandate with a new team of Commissioners on 1 December 2024.
New legislative mandate
The President, together with the new College of Commissioners, has defined the priorities of the European Commission for 2024-2029, based on the Political Guidelines presented to the European Parliament on the day of her election.
These priorities will build on the work of the previous five years and will focus on strengthening the future of Europe and delivering results for its citizens for years to come.
In the 2019-2024 period, the von der Leyen Commission worked tirelessly to fulfil its commitments while overcoming some of the greatest tests that Europe has ever faced. From tackling a global pandemic to responding to russia’s brutal war of aggression in Ukraine, it tackled extraordinary challenges head-on.
Find out more about the first von der Leyen Commission (2019-2024).
College of EU Commissioners
The College is composed of Commissioners from 27 EU countries. Together, these 27 members of the College are appointed as the Commission’s political leadership for a 5-year term. The President of the Commission assigns responsibilities for specific policy areas to each Commissioner.
Poster of commissioners 2024-2029 | OCD Media.pdf
Source: https://commission.europa.eu/about/commission-2024-2029_en
OCD | 01.12.2024
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